1. Changes in Sales in the Restaurant Industry 2019-2020
  2. Changes in the Number of Travelers, 2019-2020
  3. Changes in Tokyo GDP, 2010-2016
  4. GDP of Tokyo Metropolitan, 2013
  5. Breakdown of Tokyo GDP, 2013
  6. Value of Agricultural Output in Tokyo by Item, 2014
  7. Promotion and Advertising Costs, 2015
  8. Total Snail Mail Volume, 2008-2014
  9. Number of Telephone Subscribers, 2004-2014
  10. Number of Public Phones, 2003-2014
  11. How Many Times Do We Communicate by Phones, 2008-2014
  12. Internet Penetration Rate, 2004-2014
  13. New Car Sales Figures by Brand in September 2016
  14. New Car Sales Figures by Brand in October 2016
  15. Changes in the Number of Cars, 1966-2016
  16. Percentage of Companies Which Have Their Websites
  17. Number of Establishments by Prefecture, 2014
  18. Other Statistics/Rankings