1. Calendar of School Breaks
  2. Calendar of Elementary School
  3. Calendar of Junior High School
  4. Calendar of Senior High School
  5. Number of Japanese Studying Abroad 2018
  6. Top 10 Countries by Number of Japanese Language Learners
  7. Result of Nationwide Achievement Test by Prefecture
  8. Number of Students Who Learn Foreign Languages (except English) in High School
  9. Result of Nationwide Physical Performance Test by Prefecture, 2014
  10. Career Choice After Graduating Junior High School in Tokyo
  11. Number of Long-term Absentees at Junior High Schools in Tokyo (2012)
  12. Number of Long-term Absentees at Elementary Schools in Tokyo (2012)
  13. College-Going Rate by Prefecture, 2014
  14. How Many Kanji (Chinese Characters) Do Japanese Students Have to Learn in School?
  15. Kanji Character Frequency
  16. Students' English Abilities by Prefecture, 2015
  17. How Many Kindergartens, by Prefecture, 2015
  18. Capacity of Kids Nurseries in Tokyo, 2005-2015
  19. Changes in the Vocational College Enrollment Rate, 1976-2016
  20. Percentage of Air Conditioned Classrooms, 2019
  21. Other Statistics/Rankings